Posted on 8/27/2014
Question: What benefit will I get out of a fuel system cleaning? Answer: Obviously, the dirtier your fuel system is, the bigger the improvement you will see in performance and fuel economy after a fuel system cleaning. But it is important not to wait until your system is running poorly. If you do, by the time you get a cleaning, you’ve wasted hundreds of dollars in gas or even possibly damaged your fuel injectors and catalytic converter. Gasoline is a petroleum-based product and will leave some residue, gum and varnish along the way. Some of that can find its way into your fuel injectors and interfere with their job. The fuel injectors do just what their name suggests- inject fuel into your engine. They spray a precise amount of fuel, at a precise time, in a precise pattern, at a precise pressure. This process is very calculated and when your fuel injectors are dirty, it just isn’t possible. In turn, your engine can ... read more